List of Growblocks metrics definitions and calculations

Find out how Growblocks calculates key metrics in the funnel

The definitions below explain the core concept of how metrics are defined for actuals, and calculated in your projections.
Growblocks uses a rolling window of X months in your projection calculations. The number of months used depends on the volatility of your funnel to ensure any volatility over time is smoothed out for the forward looking calculations. This is referred to as Modelled processing metrics. When displaying projection values of processing metrics in your engine we use a simple time-boxed approach (e.g. the number of opportunities in a given period divided by the number of leads in the same period to give the conversion rate). This is referred to as Realised processing metrics.
The terms used below are generic terms which may not be the names used in your funnel. We are using a simple funnel to explain these metrics. For the exact definitions and calculations please reach out to your CSM or Solutions Engineer.
An input metric to your funnel. Represents the number of unique visitors to your website(s). Actuals: as provided by your website/marketing analytics system. Projection: A rolling window average of past performance is used.
Traffic to Leads Conversion (CVR)
A processing metric. Leads divided by Traffic of the same period. Actuals: calculated from your Traffic and Leads actuals. Projection: A rolling window average of your past CVR.
Leads can either be a volume metric - or an input metric (if your funnel does not capture Traffic). Actuals: as provided by your marketing system/CRM. Projection: Traffic multiplied by Traffic to Leads CVR.
Leads to Opportunities Conversion (CVR)
A processing metric. Opportunities divided by Leads of the same period Actuals: calculated from your Opportunities and Leads actuals using a time boxed approach. Projection: A rolling window average of your past CVR.
Opportunities are a volume metric. Actuals: as provided by your CRM. Projection (Inbound funnel): Leads multiplied by Leads to Opportunities CVR distributed across the expected time to covert the Lead. Projection (Outbound funnel): Headcount FTE multiplied by Production
Average Cycle Days
Average cycle days is a processing metric. The metric measures how long it takes to get from one stage to another in the funnel, in terms of average number of days. Average Cycle Days (Leads): The average number of days it takes your Leads within a given period to convert to Opportunities Average Cycle Days (Opportunities): The average number of days it takes your Opportunities within a given period to convert to Won Opportunities
Opportunities to Won Opportunities Conversion (CVR)
A processing metric. Won Opportunities divided by Opportunities of the same period. Actuals: calculated from your Won Opportunities and Opportunities actuals. Projection: A rolling window average of your past CVR.
Won Opportunities
Won Opportunities are a volume metric. Actuals: as provided by your CRM. Projection: Opportunities multiplied by Opportunities CVR distributed across the expected time to covert the Opportunity.
Average Contract Value (ACV)
ACV is a processing metric. Actuals: New Business Revenue (actuals) divided by Won opportunities (actuals) of the same period. Projection: A rolling window average of your past ACV.
New Business Revenue
New Business Revenue is a volume metric. Actuals: as provided by your CRM. Projection: Won opportunities multiplied by ACV of the same period.
The number of people in the role Actuals: as provided by user input in People. Projection: current headcount plus hires minus leavers/attrition.
Headcount FTE
The full time equivalent (FTE) you have in a role. Headcount multiplied by Attrition multiplied by Ramp
Production is a processing metric. The average production of Opportunities generated by each employee in a role. Actuals: Number of Opportunities divided by the Headcount FTE of the same period. Projection: as provided by user input in People.
Likelihood of an employee remaining with the company over time. In People, there is the option to set an average tenure for a role (in months). The tenure months indicate that 60% of employees in a role will leave by the Nth tenure month.
The uplift of revenue generated from your existing customer base, generally through upsells. Actuals: As provided by your CRM or Revenue system. Projections: Expansion can be tracked and projected using a number of methods, such as cohort based movements or opportunity based expansions. Please reach out to your CSM or Solutions Engineer to understand the exact method(s) used in your Existing Business funnel.
The reduction of revenue from your exisoting customers base, generally through churns and contractions/downsell. Actuals: As provided by your CRM or Revenue system. Projections: Contraction can be tracked and projected using a number of methods, such as cohort based movements or opportunity based churns and downsells. Please reach out to your CSM or Solutions Engineer to understand the exact method(s) used in your Existing Business funnel.
Net New Revenue
New Business Revenue plus Expansion Revenue minus Contraction Revenue
Total Revenue
Revenue at plan start (which can be configured through plan settings or taken from the source revenue system) plus the accumulated net new revenue over the period.
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