What are Initiatives?

Discover what initiatives are, when to use them, and how they work

Initiatives represent changes you intend to make in your business with the objective of impacting specific performance metrics, ultimately leading to a shift in expected revenue.


Initiatives are generally positive improvements. In business terms an improvement through a project, a campaign, or an initiative. For example:

  • Increase the efficiency of the outbound team to convert Opportunities to Close won by 5% by the end of Q3
  • Increase ACV through a pricing change at the start of Q2
  • Run a marketing campaign to increase MQLs by 500 per month over a 3-month period
  • Decrease churn by 10% by the end of the year

Initiatives can also be negative, which are added to the plan to reflect reality. These are rarer but an important part of planning. For example:

  • Reduce the number of qualified leads by 20% in the second half of the year due to expected market conditions.

How do Initiatives work?

An initiative always impacts a specific metric and is applied on top of the current value of the metric. In the initiative form, you can see the current value, and the impact your initiatives will make prior to saving the initiative.

Notion image

If you have multiple initiatives that impact the same metric + dimension (e.g. Inbound - EMEA - Leads) in the same time period (e.g. Impact Period includes Jan 2024) then Growblocks calculates the initiatives using the sorting priority order below.

Sorting priority logic:

Sort by 1 first, if there is still an overlap, then sort by 2, and so on.

  1. by startDate
  1. by "operation", eg, ADD and MULTIPLY should always be applied after SET
  1. by "segmentation specificity", eg. the more specific the segmentation is, the later it is applied
  1. by "updatedAt" eg, the last touched initiatives comes last



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