3. Update your projection

Getting started step 3

Step 3 of 4

Plan goal set? You can either jump straight into monitoring your performance, or add in initiatives and additional people if you already know some projects, initiatives or hires that you will make during the plan period.


Step 3: Add initiatives and people

Initiatives and people impact your projected performance (projection) and represent changes you are planning that will impact your performance.

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Remember that you can (and should!) keep your initiatives and people updated as you progress through your plan period. This will ensure your performance projection is reflecting the current state of your business.

Learn more about Initiatives in these articles:

At this stage you may also want to add additional roles, hires and leavers that reflect changes in the business, in addition to the team you set up, when establishing your baseline.

Learn more about managing people in these articles:

Any people you have configured at the time you set your plan goal are included in your plan goal. Any changes you make to people (eg adding new hires or leavers) after setting your plan goal will be reflected in you projection but not your current plan goal.
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