Initiatives and overrides on “average day” metrics

Adding initiatives on your sales cycles (any metric that is measured with average days)

Placing an initiative or an override on a metrics that uses average days as the measure is slightly different than other metrics.

Average days is used to measure the time between different funnel steps, the most common metric used is Average sales cycle.

What is different than other metrics?

In order to calculate the average days in the projections we use a mechanism called Time distribution buckets.

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Time distribution buckets specify how long it takes to move from the previous to the next funnel step, eg Opportunity created to Opportunity Won. In the example below it takes:

  • 60% of Opportunities won were created between 0-30 days ago
  • 20% were created 31-60 days ago
  • 10% were created 61-91 days ago
  • 10% were created more than 91 days ago
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In the form, you are able to change the time distribution % values and immediately see the change in the average days for the metric.

The time distribution buckets are set during the implementation of Growblocks and are based on your historical sales cycle lengths. Reach out to your Growblocks CSM if you have any questions on the buckets used.
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