Impact of initiatives in your projection

Understand how initiatives behave when calculating projections.

Initiatives and projections

Once you have created and saved an initiative, the impact of the initiative continues to be limited to the selected impact period; however, as the plan progresses, the future impact on the projection depends on the initiative type.


Add/Subscription initiatives will always be applied to your most recent performance. Any change in your realized performance will therefore change the future impact of the action.

Furthermore, once you are inside the impact period of the initiative, the planned change will be superseded by the realized performance, i.e. if the planned change didn’t materialize inside the impact period, the projection will not assume that the change will happen.


Set initiatives will always overwrite your most recent performance. Any change in your most recent performance will therefore not change the future projection of the action.


See examples of both initiative types below:

  • Increase CVR to 20%

My initiative expected a 4.2% increase in CVR bringing it to 20% in July and keeping flat for the remainder of the Plan period.


In July, there was a slight increase, but that dropped again in August. My initiative is not expecting anything to change between August and September and so the initiative in the rest of the Impact period has no impact on the projection.

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If you are still expecting a change in conversion rate in the future and want to adjust your projection, edit the initiative to show the change you expect to occur in the business for the rest of the impact period, or create a new initiative to reflect a new project that you have planned to close the Gap to your Plan Goal (a corrective action).
  • Ramp to an increase of 4000 leads

The initiative expected a monthly increase of 1000 for each of the period of June to September and then to stay steady for the remainder of the Plan period. I did not get the expected increase of leads during June to August as my actuals stayed fairly. I still have an increase of 1000 in September planned in.

I am in the third week of September, and my actuals are still fairly flat, but projected to increase slightly. My projection only takes into account the portion of the 1000 leads that are expected to increase in the final week and adds that amount to the expected value for September, not the full 1000.

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  • Set ACV

I did not achieve the new ACV during the months of July or August, but my Set initiative still uses the set value for future projections.

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