Estimated revenue impact

Understand how estimated impact is calculated for initiatives, including isolated and shared impact values.

When you are creating and then saving an initiative you will see the estimated revenue impact in two places.


1. When creating or editing an initiative

The current estimated impact is shown in the top right of the graph. This value is calculated from today until the end of the plan, and calculates the estimated impact you can have with any future changes to the metric.

Increase ACV impact calculated from today (mid July in this example)
Increase ACV impact calculated from today (mid July in this example)

2. Viewing the initiative in the Initiatives tab

When you expand the initiative in the list you will see 3 values, all of which are calculated from the plan start date.

Importantly, this allows you to see the intended impact of the initiative over the full plan period. Whereas the impact shown when you open the initiative only shows you what could be achieved from today onwards.

Impact calculated from the plan start date (January in this example)
Impact calculated from the plan start date (January in this example)
Estimated impact: The combination of both isolated and shared impact. Isolated impact: The impact this initiative has on itโ€™s own. Shared impact: The additional impact this initiative has together with other changes in your plan, e.g. other initiatives and changes in people.
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