New business dashboard

A guide to reading your New business dashboard

Once you have a plan goal set you will see your New business dashboard light up.

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Your dashboard gives you insight into how your projections are trending toward your plan goal and will highlight which metrics are underperforming or overperforming, so that you know where your focus should be.

If the time period you select to view is completely in the past, then the information you will see is actuals and plan goals; projections will not be shown.

Spotlight and selected metrics

On the left-hand side, you can see your spotlight metric, shown here as new business revenue, and 6 of your selected key metrics. These metrics are set during implementation of Growblocks. Please contact your Growblocks CSM if you wish to adjust the metrics shown.

Reading the key information of selected key metrics On the selected metric shown here, you can see the projected performance on the average contract value (ACV):

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The projection (seen in the middle and with the striped line) tells me that we expect to finish the period with an ACV of $5300.

  • The plan goal is $9200 and the delta to plan goal is -42.69%. Which means that the ACV is projected to under perform by almost 43%.
  • Overall this metric is significantly under performing, and is performance is getting worse.

Revenue & Metrics Breakdown

On the bottom page, you can find the Revenue & Metrics Breakdown. It shows you metrics within your GTM engine that are either underperforming or overperforming and their revenue impact.

Performing Metrics will not be shown in this view. See signal thresholds for more information about performance thresholds.
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For each metric card in the list, you will see the same information as shown in your selected metrics, but with slightly more detail. Clicking on a metric in the Metrics breakdown will open a details view.


Metric Details view

The dashboard details view shows:

  • The metric you have selected
  • Any child metrics that are under or over performing
  • Any initiatives that impact the metric you have selected
  • An option to see the metric and any child metrics in the data flow view.
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A child metric is any metric that rolls up to the metric you have selected. If you have the dimensions revenue stream (Inbound, Outbound) and region (US, EMEA, APAC) then Leads - Inbound has 3 child metrics: - Inbound / US - Inbound / EMEA - Inbound / APAC

Additional options

The following options are available to you at the top of the dashboard:

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  1. Select between the new business dashboard or the Total revenue overview
  1. Use these filters to select what part of your GTM engine you are viewing
  1. Select the time period you are viewing - the default is current quarter
  1. Choose how many weeks ago you wish to compare the projection with to see the projection trend
  1. Select between seeing the delta as either a % of the Plan Goal or the absolute value of the delta.
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