How to see, create and edit overrides

Learn how to use overrides in your plan

Wondering what overrides are or when to use them? Have a quick look here.
Skip below for guidance on how to see where overrides (or actions or assumptions) have been applied in your engine.

You can set overrides within any plan:

  1. Navigate to the Action tab and select the drop down menu
  1. Select Add Override to add in a new one, or click on an existing Override in the list to edit it:
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  1. Note that you can choose between two types of overrides:
  • Global
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  • Plan specific
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  1. Add in a name (make it meaningful, you will see this in the overrides list), and a description (optional)
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  1. Choose the Impact period. This is the date range the projection calculation will use the override value rather than the actuals for the metric when calculating the projection
  1. Select the metric, and the relevant dimensions, you wish to use the override for
  1. Add in the value for the override, you can edit this month by month just like initiatives and see what it looks like in the graph.
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Viewing overrides in your engine

In the swimlane or data flow view, purple earmarks show which metrics have initiatives, overrides and/or assumptions.

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  • They earmarks will only show if the Impact period of the initiative/override/assumption is within the date range you are looking at.
  • If the exact metric-dimension combination the action/override is not visible in the engine view (if you have not expanded far enough yet), then the earmark will appear on the parent metric.
  • The earmarks can be turned on and off in View settings. By default initiatives are enabled to be shown; overrides and assumptions are not.
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  • Click on a metric to open the details view to see, in the right hand panel, the list of the initiatives/overrides/assumptions applied on that metric:
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