2. Build your plan goals

Getting started step 2

Step 2 of 4

Once your baseline is correct you are ready to start planning.


Step 2: Build your plan goals

Creating plan goals unlocks the full potential of Growblocks, allowing you see track your actual performance against your intended (planned) performance throughout your funnel on an ongoing basis.

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Plan goals are made up of assumptions which sit on top of your baseline. Assumptions represent the changes you anticipate or that you need to happen through the plan period in order to achieve your overall revenue goal.

You can set a plan goal without adding assumptions → your baseline will become your plan goal and you can start tracking performance right away.

You may not know how you are going to achieve these changes yet, hence why they are just assumptions at this stage.


Learn more about how to identify and add assumptions is these articles:

Check to see that each of your revenue lines is showing the expected changes. If not the most likely cause is that your baseline is missing some data (normally conversion rates or ACV). Review and add in overrides to correct correct your baseline as needed.

Make sure you set your plan goal, in the Assumptions tab, after adding your assumptions and then you are ready to start tracking your performance!

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