
Baseline: Your baseline looks at your past performance and projects into the future based on this past performance.


The baseline is a bottom-up calculation on each of your key metrics.

  • Your baseline is calculated using your historical actuals.
  • To smooth out projections, Growblocks uses a rolling window average for your rate metrics in order to remove the impact of significant peaks and troughs found within your actuals. The rolling window used is set per metric during the configuration of Growblocks.
  • As with all other calculations, each of your Key metrics has it’s own baseline.
    • The baseline uses the metrics’ actuals up to the current date as the historical data (past performance).
    • Any overrides you have saved will be used as the past performance in the projection calculation, rather than the actuals.
    • The expected output of any roles you have set up in people is also incorporated in the baseline.
Assumptions are applied on top of the baseline in order to calculate your plan goal.
Initiatives and people are applied on top of the baseline in order to calculate your projection.
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